
Creating Docker Registry (Docker Hub, Local and Host)

Docker Hub:

Login to Docker Hub:

  1. Create Public Repository : Select Repositories -> Create Repository
  • Select radio button: ‘Public‘ and specify name for public repository
  • Click on ‘Create‘ button at the bottom
  • For Private Repository: Click of radio button: Private and specify the name for repository.
  • New Private and Public Repository will be created under ‘Repositories

Local Host Repository


Docker Host Registry: localhost

  1. Download Docker Registry Image for Windows:

docker pull stefanscherer/registry-windows

  • Create folder in C:\ drive

mkdir C:\registry

  • Run Registry in the Container

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name=host-registry -v C:\PrivateRegistry\registry:C:\registry stefanscherer/registry-windows

  • Create Tag for Image

docker images

REPOSITORY                                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

ashmisinha/ashmi_sinha2019                 visualizer-1809     6c3630785aa2        13 days ago         462MB

docker tag 6c3630785aa2  localhost:5000/registry:profile 

docker images

REPOSITORY                                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

ashmisinha/ashmi_sinha2019                 visualizer-1809     6c3630785aa2        13 days ago         462MB

localhost:5000/registry                    visualizer          6c3630785aa2        13 days ago         462MB

  • Push Image to Host Repository

docker push localhost:5000/registry:visualizer

The push refers to repository [localhost:5000/registry]

docker pull localhost:5000/registry:visualizer

docker images

REPOSITORY                                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

localhost:5000/registry                    visualizer          6c3630785aa2        13 days ago         462MB



Docker Host Registry: Host IP address

  1. Download Docker Registry Image for Windows:

docker pull stefanscherer/registry-windows

  1. Create folder in C:\ drive

mkdir C:\registry 

  1. Run Registry in the Container

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name=registry -v C:\registry:C:\registry stefanscherer/registry-windows


docker ps 

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND                   CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES

5bc3fc5491b2        stefanscherer/registry-windows   “\\registry.exe serve…”   15 seconds ago      Up 13 seconds>5000/tcp   registry

  1. Edit deamon.json file

notepad C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json

  “insecure-registries”: [“”]

  1. Tag Docker image

docker tag 9dd14681e7ba

  1. Push Docker Image to Host Repository

docker push

The push refers to repository []

5bebd9248b2f: Pushed

8a56160f1cf1: Layer already exists

c8d2e547d6e5: Layer already exists

bb3159a57795: Pushed

23f3fc96266a: Skipped foreign layer

a7ba3db29ebb: Skipped foreign layer

profile: digest: sha256:723b7e0e8cd2517b2e6fa8f545cf11131635903013c7dd730a8fc7599aae810b size: 1942

Images are saved in C:\registry

Host Registry:

  1. Pull Image from Host Repository

docker pull

Pull Docker from Remote Host Registry

Connect to the other Windows Server


  1. Edit deamon.json file

notepad C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json

  “insecure-registries”: [“”]

  • Pull Image from Host Registry on

docker pull

visual: Pulling from registry

docker images

REPOSITORY                                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE                    visual              25d504423538        About an hour ago   1.33GB


Docker Images Local Registry:



Knowledge Shared = Knowledge2

We have created AZmachina blog to share our knowledge on Docker & Container and Kubernetes on Windows Servers with curious and enthusiastic novice learner. We hope that this will help them to take a swim in this vast ocean of Window Containers and Kubernetes

Happy Learning !
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Sumeet Kumar

Sumeet Kumar

I am Windows Core Engineer with 7+ years of experience in Windows Hyper-v, Failover Cluster, Windows Storage, Volume Shadow Copy (VSS), Docker & Containers on Windows Servers, Backup & Recovery, VMware vSphere EXSi & vCenter Server



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