AKS Lab: Working with AKS Cluster

Summary In this Lab article we will create Deployment with Service (Basic Load Balancer) for IIS website Prerequisites Azure subscription for Azure Azure Kubernetes Cluster, Azure Container Registry, kubeclt and Azure CLI module for Windows Step by Step process 1. Add Azure Container Registry to ASK Cluster az aks update -n “azureCluster” -g aksGroup –attach-acr […]

AKS Lab: Azure Container Instance

Summary In this Lab article we will create Azure Container Instance with Azure Container Registry Image. We will be using this same Azure Container Instance in Azure Kubernetes Cluster Scale Prerequisites Azure subscription for Azure Container Instance, Azure Container Registry and Azure CLI module for Windows Azure Container Instance ACI : Azure Container Instance is […]

AKS Lab: Azure Container Registry

Summary In this Lab article we will create Azure Container Registry and upload Docker image. We will be using this same Azure Container Registry in Azure Container Instance and Azure Kubernetes Cluster Labs Prerequisites Azure subscription for Azure Container registry, Container Image and Azure CLI module for Windows Step by Step process 1. Login to […]

Container Images (Layer Reuse)

Summary: In this article we will learn about Container Image (Layer Reuse) Container Images: Definition: A Docker container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings Container Images consist of Application (Eg: IIS, ASP.net, python, NodeJS), and Base […]