K8s: Adding Windows and Linux Node
Summary In this Lab we will learn about step by step process for adding Windows Server and Linux Server as Node in existing k8s Cluster Prerequisites 1. A compatible Linux host (Linux distributions based on Ubuntu, Debian and Red Hat) or Windows Server host (Windows Server 2016/2019) 2. 2 GB or more of […]
K8s Lab: Crating Master
Summary In this Lab exercise we will learn step by step process for creating k8s Cluster Prerequisites 1. A compatible Linux host (Linux distributions based on Ubuntu, Debian and Red Hat) 2. 2 GB or more of RAM per machine (any less will leave little room for your apps). 3. 2 CPUs […]
K8s: Bootstrapping a Cluster with Kubeadm
Summary In this article we will learn about the process involved in Creating k8s Cluster and adding Linux/Windows Node Prerequisite Linux Physical or virtual machine for Master and Linux/Windows physical or virtual machine as Nodes (Minions) Bootstrapping a Cluster with kubeadm Step by Step process: Run Kubadm init, initialize Kubernetes Cluster First phase is pre-flight […]